
I couldn't bring myself to watch, considering how these things usually just F**K with my blood pressure.I'm guessing Chimpy's main concern right now is to actually do something people will support, so they'll stop boycotting his presidential library.His library should be a no-go just on account of his horrible use of our language. Of course, if they call it "The Library of Incomplete Sentences, Stuttering and Made-Up Words," I might be able to get behind it.

Because “Like a Blanket” holds more special meaning for me than you will ever know and it is exactly that when you hear it – you feel surrounded by comfort and wisdom and God’s love along with the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. It just surrounds you in comfort and peace. Now, go enjoy that Birthday, girl!

I made this last night- Absolutely delicious. I made it with brown rice instead and boiled the rice (plus a little more water) covered on the stove for about 20 minutes before adding the chicken and putting it in the oven for 30 minutes. It turned out perfectly! Looking forward to the leftovers tonight, thanks Tracy!

Try wiping your butt with a Kindle.The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics has me supplied with toilet paper for the rest of my life after the Rapture or zombie out break.Gerry

These are so lovely Leanne – such a treat for us to have them documented! I’ve been in some plays where all I have is one grainy shot taken back stage. See you later

I agree. It’s a bit gross actually “We had sex, I helped her and her boyfriend escape the Gomorrah casino where she worked. Everyone wins.”But uh, did she actually want to have sex with you? If you’re so charitable, why not give her the money and then see if she still wants sex.

This appears to be ‘on’ by default on the Mac version, because all plots are antialiased (and look quite good, too).Is there a way to force this value to ‘on’ by default in the windows version? The standard set(gca,’DefaultLineSmoothing’,'on’) method does not work.

My Favorite Holiday tradition is doing anything with my family….starts on Thanksgiving weekend when we decorate our house and put up the Christmas tree. All through the season we love to attend parties with friends and sometimes just a leisurely drive around the area to see Christmas lights at night.

I do enjoy the way you have framed this challenge plus it does give me personally a lot of fodder for thought. Nevertheless, from everything that I have witnessed, I only trust when the feed-back stack on that folks remain on issue and in no way embark upon a tirade involving the news of the day. All the same, thank you for this exceptional piece and although I do not concur with it in totality, I value your viewpoint.

Vicino a casa mia c’é un alberghetto piccolo piccolo.Adoravo la possibilità di parlare le lingue che conoscevo (all’epoca solo 3) e mi piaceva moltissimo passare i pomeriggi nella lavanderia dell’albergo, ancora oggi il mio luogo preferito in un albergo, con quell’odore di biancheria calda e profumata.A dieci anni avevo già deciso che volevo fare il direttore d’albergo, per adesso sono assistente di direzione, (ci sono quasi) ma non escludo di poter aver un alberghetto tutto mio un giorno o l’altro.Quello piccolo piccolo vicino a casa mia é ancora li…