
I've recenly become a convert to homemade breakfast sausage myself. It's so simple, and so much better than anything you can buy in the store. Plus, it's just satisfying to dig your hands into a big bowl of meat! :)

The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

Klong long ago, when i was a young farm boy, i used to get up at 4 AM to milk and feed the cows. the old antediluvian rooster was my alarm clock. do you have a special pest that wakes you David in Maine USA

I enjoyed the post so much I had to share! (But TAC has a lot of serious readers and only a few geeks, so I wanted to warn them before they came over and read the phrase “the gross superstition of Christianity” and took it wrong.)

Architecture Blogs…[...] Warsaw’s future architecture. When you’re having a walk down the Warsaw’s Powile neighborhood why not pop into the Warsaw University Library. Since this week it is hosting an exhibition Plans for the future presenting what is going to … [……

Great fine quality content! This will be the foremost motivational while self-cleaning . operate I’ve find out a long while. Very many occasions blog owners don’t good care to see be able to write. It’s straightforward that you just do. Web site.

..det var det jeg sa til Ivar....når katten er borte...og at "gutterommet" en mental tilstand som bare kom krypende med det samme du var ute av døra..hehe...svidd av kortet???

Now I am convinced that this is a joke. I wasn’t sure at first, I thought “This guy can’t be for real”… There is no way that this completely average, aging guy with harsh features and an incredible ego is real and completely oblivious that people are mocking him…Kudos to whomever is behind this…funny stuff.

Glad you guys are keeping Pesach real in the Middle Kingdom. I think if you are Sephardic rice is kosher for Passover, which would make things a lot easier if you were in China. Good luck with your imminent move back to the USA. By the way, I like the new layout of the site.

e mal usaram o uniforme que faz jus ao apelido.Foi a decisão mais acertada do ano. Afinal de contas, com uma camisa tão MEDONHA quanto esta que fizeram para este ano. Nem vou levar em consideração que a mesma é um grande objeto de mau agouro, já que o time não ganhou UM JOGO que fosse quando a usou…