
à Fabou,la franc-maçonnerie et les dictateur…Vous oubliez de dire que la plupart des pays de l’Afrique de l’ouest sont dirigés par des dictateurs Francs-maçons, (élus ou non), avec des gouvernements quasi franc-maçons, formattés et soutenus par la franc-maçonnerie Française!

Don't you really mean "confused the _stigma_ with final sigma"? This I've seen several times, while confusing the digamma (resembling a capital F in the Roman alphabet) with final sigma would be nearly impossible.

Looks like things are going well with development. What kind of project are you currently working on? Have you run into any object relation mapping class requirements? My colleague and I have been working on a CRM system built on top of Yii and have utilized RedbeanPHP ( Might be handy down the road.

Those are better than I thought they were, I must admit it. My version of a mine is a pressure plate with a lighter on it and a rig with a few bottle rockets or firecrackers on it, with short fuses. Good times.

Nice summery. Also, thanks for pointing out the Rockford is short a couple of Dmen. Think they might just sign a one year stop-gap ahl vet? That blueline seems awfully young.

Ngblog memang belum ada matinya saat ini bagi saya,, tp entah 3-5 tahu kedepan,,mudah2an kalau ada hasil $_$,, malah makin semangaTT.. hehetp gak berharap banyak dengan $_$ juga sih,, yg penting have fun nya ajah, hohooo

Hey Amanda Maybe you can tell me how to add more than one character to a scene cuz no one else has.Thanks!…(awsome work btw)

This made me smile.I get so happy when my friends are happy, or struggling nobly or growing painfully. I am glad that your animals offered you this moment of profundity. I know it sounds mawkish, but you are such a gifted writer. I cant wait til this tome comes out in hardback with an autograph on the front page for the Baldwinis.Teresa

Petronille: Les rencontres sur un bateau: oui parce que sur un bateau – genre croisière, traversée pour la corse- le garçon ne peut pas vraiment s’échapper (mais la fille non plus, si c’est un gros lourd, du coup)

To the family of Aunt Dotty, We are so sorry to hear about the passing of Aunt Dotty . We remember the good times she had with Uncle Jim,and all the Burley clan.( Aunt Ditty Barbie and Nana etc.. ). She was a special lady and will be missed.. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time..Take care. Margaret(Dwyer)Coughlan The daughter of Elsie (Burley ) and Bill Dwyer